What is D-Bank?

DBM is an encrypted digital currency based on DBChain, which is an important part of the DBChain network ecology. It will be used as an exchange unit among participants and an economic incentive to encourage participants to contribute to the ecosystem. The purpose of introducing DBM is to provide convenient and secure payment and settlement methods for participants interacting in the DBChain ecosystem.

Purpose of DBM

The token of the DBChain ecosystem is DBM. In the DBChain ecosystem, the roles of foundations, third-party companies (infrastructure, ecological creators, nodes), etc. The reasonable incentive mechanism provides guarantee for the reasonable operation of each role in the DBChain ecosystem. DBM, as a designated token on the DBChain network, will be used in many aspects and applied in many themes and scenarios.

Application scenario

Full ecological value token DBM, establish a complete value system

DBPay payment card

DBPay payment cards can be used throughout Korea to cover all aspects of food, clothing and transportation

ATM machine

D-BANK ecological ATM machine supports DBM and Thai tons for two-way exchange

Miner fee

In ecological wallets, mining machine wallets and future online exchanges, DBM is used as the miner fee and handling fee

Get vote

In the DBchain Wallet, you can obtain super voting voting rights by pledged DBM

Payment media

In cross-border payments, temporary payment media, anchor value

Earn rewards

As a reward for mining, consumption and other user behaviors in the D-BANK ecosystem

Settlement of service fees

D-BANK Ecology launches diversified services, DBM uses service fee settlement

Gaming Proof

D-BANK ecologically received revenue from blockchain games

DBM token ratio

The total number of DBM tokens issued is 2 billion, which will never be reissued and will automatically deflate.
Token distribution ratio:
1 billion foundations, accounting for 20%;
500 million strategic investment, accounting for 10%;
300 million ecological incentives, accounting for 6%;
100 million technical team incentives, accounting for 2%;
Repurchase destroyed 100 million, accounting for 2%.

How to manage DBM

As a non-profit organization, the DBChain Foundation's main positions are: Open and transparent management of tokens, together with all members of the ecosystem, develop and manage their resources; research and implement BChain that supports university storage and fast transmission, and DBChain-based decentralized business scenarios. In order to guarantee the continued operation of the foundation, the foundation accepts donations from various ecological roles.